Customer Testimonials

After doing quite a bit of research on the internet, I found a few agencies that specialized in life insurance for pilots. I actually proceeded to get underwritten by two different companies, and I ended up purchasing my pilot insurance policy through Travers Aviation Insurance.  Not only was their rate far better than the others I could find, I received great service and feedback from Travers.

I recommend Travers Aviation highly if anyone else is interested in life insurance that will cover you while flying.

John - Ohio

It's been a pleasure working with you and your company.

Michael - Ohio

Your conduct has been very professional and the quotes for life insurance are very attractive. I have been in the financial services business for over twenty years so I very much appreciate what you have done. As I find myself in the market for insurance, you will certainly be at the top of my list. Thanks again for all you have done.

Bill - Iowa

It has been a pleasure working with you.  You have been very responsive, and the only surprise in the whole process was a pleasant rate reduction.

John - Texas

Great job.  Since the beginning of the process you have been a tremendous help.

Thanks again,
Dan - Alaska

Thank you for all your help in getting our pilot insurance policies.

Wayne - Utah

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your help.  I am truly excited about this new pilot life insurance policy.  I can now get started with my flight training knowing my family will be taken care of in the event of an accident.  Please send me a few of your business cards so I can pass them on to fellow aviators interested in life insurance for pilots.

Damen - Connecticut

Thanks for getting the paperwork finished, you have been a tremendous help!

Kevin - Idaho

Thank you so much for the help in getting Paul the insurance coverage for the maximum amount.  It saved us a lot of work not having to apply for another smaller amount of life insurance from a different company. We know that you put a lot of time and effort into making it all happen.  You have our appreciation and gratitude.

Paul & Chris - Maryland

Hi, just wanted to drop you a note to say I've sent payment for my life insurance policy and thanks again for the great savings!

Kevin - Michigan

Customer Service & Claims

Whether you have a small or large claim, at Travers & Associates, we are here to help.

Click the link below to make a claim. If you do not see your specific request, please send us a message at Customer Service.

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Our Company Video

Travers & Associates is proud to provide a wide range of aviation insurance products and services. We offer coverage ranging from aircraft liability insurance and aviation hull insurance designed to give you peace of mind to airplane renter insurance to cover an aircraft you may rent or borrow.

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